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  • Manoj

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Your Customer Service

For a growing business, providing satisfying and convenient customer service to their customers (while keeping costs low) would be the ultimate aim because the way you treat your customers can ultimately make or break your business. But if you don’t possess the necessary skills required to undertake a critical business activity then the possibility of failure will be significantly high. Delivering an effective and efficient Customer Service & Support is one such activity many businesses fail at, because most businesses have skilled resources for the development of their product/services but have a lack of experience or expertise when it comes to Customer Service & Support.

So, what’s the one simple way to improve your customer service and win consumers’ loyalty? - through outsourcing!

Customer service is an important aspect of any business. And in this age of relationship marketing, it’s vital to make every customer contact count. So, when businesses are too busy to handle every communication channel, they often seek third party help and outsource customer service.

Most of these services provided by an outsourced company have different options to fit your business needs. Depending on your company’s requirements, it can vary from just answering calls and routing them to the right salesperson or tech, to the more involved side - responding to emails, sending text reminders, scheduling calls, answering top-level customer service questions etc.

Customer services that can be outsourced

Customer Services that can be Outsourced

Below are some of the most frequently outsourced customer services:

  • Peak Time Support Inquiries

  • Inbound and Outbound Call Centers

  • Email and Chat Support

  • Technical Support

  • Specialized Support Services

  • E-commerce Services

  • Order Management Services

What are the benefits of outsourcing customer services?

Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Services

Employing a third-party customer service provider to manage your customer care operations can give you substantial and long-term benefits such as:

1. Reducing costs and saving money

Organizations running their own contact and fulfillment departments often experience higher costs. Outsourcing converts fixed costs into variable costs and allows you to budget effectively. This reduces the costs of employee training, overtime pay, paid time off and purchasing expensive technology. Outsourcing your customer service to a trusted vendor can help you save on the capital expenditure, time, and extra efforts. Moreover, studies show that good customer support increases revenue. Companies that prioritize customer support see on average a 40% increase in revenue.

2. Getting access to skilled personnel

Professional outsourcing providers have dedicated teams that will work off your scripts and treat your customers as your in-house team would with the same amount of commitment and passion, thus providing an outstanding customer service which can give your business a competitive edge. Their diverse expertise and skills across different industry and technologies can help you achieve superior quality and unmatched proficiency in customer service.

3. Increasing your efficiency and scalability

When your business attains sudden growth, you’ll need front-of-line workers to meet your new customers’ needs. In-house customer service departments rarely scale easily. Outsourcing your customer service ensures that your customers receive the help they need when they need it. This will make them happier and will leave you less stressed. Expert service providers also have the capacity to absorb dramatic demand shifts, and are able to scale their services as quickly as you do. You wouldn’t have to concern yourself about adding infrastructure or staff.

4. Focusing on your core business

Outsourcing your customer care frees up essential company resources/personnel who get tied in with solving minimal client queries, and have them focus on high priority tasks and core areas of your business which in turn enables you to concentrate on the firm’s strategic processes and long-term goals. This allows you to achieve quick progress and to stay ahead of the curve.

Customer Service Outsourcing will also help you minimize the dependency of the key members of your business for problem solving and dispute resolution. The 3rd party experts will solve basic issues on their own, and only complex queries would get filtered and passed on to the company employees, allowing them to be more productive, maintaining excellent customer service and also be fully committed to your business.

5. Having a 24/7 Support

With an Outsourced customer service team working around the clock for your business, you’re able to offer your customers support at their convenience, whether it’s day, night or even weekends. This means you won’t miss sales leads contacting you after business hours or customers trying to get in touch over holidays.

For any queries or assistance regarding Outsourcing your Customer Service, feel free to contact us.


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